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Certificate-based Binding Update Protocol (CBU) (v03)
Description: This document proposes a comprehensive security solution for mobile IPv6 networks including secure binding update, secure fast handover, user authentication and session key management for data security. In our proposal, one of the home agent's functions is to act as security proxy for its mobile nodes. The authentication is based on the home agent's certificate and the secret session keys are generated by strong cryptosystems. Our proposal avoids many security obstacles in the Return Routability protocol and provides a simple, integrated and efficient security solution for mobile communication.
Added on: 20-Mar-2005 | Downloads: 1591

Multi-homing for small scale fixed network Using Mobile IP and NEMO (v03)
Description: Multi-homing technology improves the availability of host and network connectivity. Since the node and network behavior of mobile networking and fixed networking are different, the different architecture has been discussed and proposed. This document proposes the common architecture both for mobile and fixed networking environment, using the mobile IP and NEMO. The proposed architecture only requires a modification of the mobile IP and NEMO so that multiple-CoA can be used. In addition, multiple HAs which are located in different place, are required for redundancy.
Added on: 20-Mar-2005 | Downloads: 1591

Improvement of Return Routability Protocol (v01)
Description: This document proposes an improved security solution for Return Routability (RR) protocol without changing the architecture. With the improvement, three types of redirect attacks can be prevented.
Added on: 20-Mar-2005 | Downloads: 1591

Protocol for Protecting Movement of Mobile Nodes in Mobile IPv6 (v00)
Description: When a mobile node roams, its location information can be revealed by monitoring the IP addresses in its IP packets. This document proposes a technique for hiding a mobile node's care-of adress from its correspondent node and its home address from an eavesdropper using reverse tunelling. It also proposes another technique for preventing movement tracing of a mobile node by an eavesdropper during route optimization.
Added on: 20-Mar-2005 | Downloads: 1591

A Scheme of Mobile Firewall in Mobile IPv6 (v00)
Description: More and more activities rely on mobile devices. It is an important issue on how to protect mobile users engaged in mobile services. Unfortunately, the conventional firewalls are in appropriate for mobile network. Furthermore, with a conventional firewall, an administrator of mobile nodes is not able to monitor / control dynamically the mobile node's activities when the mobile node roams. In this draft, we introduce a new concept of mobile personal firewall and propose a concrete scheme that matches mobile environment and exploits mobile network facilities.
Added on: 20-Mar-2005 | Downloads: 1591