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Gateway and address autoconfiguration for IPv6 adhoc networks (Obsolete)
Description: Adhoc networks are formed by the spontaneous collaboration of wireless nodes when no networking infrastructure is available. When communication to the Internet is desired, one or more nodes must act as gateways for the adhoc network. In this case, global addressing of adhoc nodes is required. This document specifies a protocol (node behaviour, information propagation, message format) which allows nodes in an adhoc network to discover a gateway/prefix pair which is used in order to build an IPv6 global address and, when necessary, to maintain a default route towards the Internet.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591

Extended Support for Global Connectivity for IPv6 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Obsolete)
Description: This document describes how to provide enhanced Internet connectivity to mobile ad hoc networks. To achieve this goal, we borrow the concept of Mobile IPv6[6] and make the most use of available multiple gateways. Specifically, our scheme makes a global address being used by Upper layer reachable by peer Internet node by registering another global address as a locator with corresponding gateway for the address being cared while the gateway can not obtain host route information for the cared address because of frequent partitions. We introduce stateful auto-configuration for acquisition of global address in mobile ad-hoc networks because it can avoid duplicate address problem and help prevent traffics from going outside a manet or unnecessary control traffic by route discovery of reactive routing protocols from being issued. In addition, it can support for our scheme since our scheme requires some security guarantee to register a locator with a gateway as Mobile IPv6 requires for Binding Updates.
Added on: 31-Oct-2003 | Downloads: 1591