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The Rise of IPv6
Posted by: Jordi on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 11:53 PM
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Remember Y2K? As a quick refresher, on January 1, 2000, computers with clocks that could not handle a date past December 31, 1999 were in jeopardy of freezing up when the turn of the millennium occurred. Widespread havoc could have resulted, as systems that impacted virtually every aspect of our lives – including traffic lights, ATM machines, the air traffic control system and telephone central offices – could have potentially ground to a screeching halt. Fortunately, the telecommunications and computing industries had several years of advance warning, and savvy IT managers leveraged the situation to upgrade their servers, routers, and other systems before the deadline. Perhaps now we know what created the telecom bubble that burst a year or so later (but we’ll save that for another story).
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