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Consulintel is very active in the IPv6 promotion, being one of the founder members of the IPv6 Forum, where is the co-chair of the Education and Promotion WG, and this will help in the effective liaison, awareness and dissemination activities. Also, it's a very active corporation in other IPv6 .... More
Telecom Italia
Telecom Italia

Telecom Italia Lab (TILAB) is the Innovation and Engineering Division of Telecom Italia S.p.A: it has been created to increase the innovation level of the Group, through the new technologies scouting, feasibility studies and the development .... More
University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain)
University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain)

University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain) is in charge of higher education and research on technical and non-technical areas. The technical ones are centred on Telecommunications, Informatics, and Industrial engineering disciplines. The non-technical ones are related .... More

CSC - Finnish Information Technology Centre for Science (CSC-Scientif ic Computing Ltd.), one of the largest supercomputing centres in the Northern Europe, was established in 1971. Today it is a powerful information technology .... More

Internet Technology Advisors is an Internet consulting company located in Stockholm, Sweden. We are focusing on consulting services for the telecommunications industry. We help out clients with network desing and engineering, as well as vendor selection/managment and .... More

UNINETT mainly provides services based on the national research network to research and education in Norway. UNINETT was established as a private limited company wholly owned by the Ministry of Education and Research in 1993. UNINETT AS is responsible for development .... More

With around 500 researchers, and 900 undergraduate students, the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton is one of the world's largest and most successful integrated research groupings, covering Computer Science, Software .... More